We Love You Katie Dog..
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AnimalAid (Katies Shelter) Katie 1998-2012 |
Katie-Dog, Our love...
I am writing you because i know somehow you will be able to hear these words and understand them. Through God, or the powers of the universe, I know you can hear me. I love you so much. You are so special ..In this time-line, and lifetime you had, you were so very special. You were a very unique doggy. Right from the start. It was hard to adopt you out because you were growling at everyone, but I know you only did it because that's what you thought you were supposed to do. Inside that growl was a smile and happy=face. You showed so much care and respect for every little animal you incurred. You were so nice to everyone you met, you never let jealousy trump your frendliness and love of others, life and nature. I am so proud of you. You were so smart. You took care of yourself, and fouind your way to me. I will alwaays be so proud of you for doing that. The day I got you, you bit me because you thought it would make everybody happy.. and, i could tell that. I new there was happy smile behind that bite, and I knew you didn't want to hurt me. SO, I picked you up fast and held on to you..You've been mine ever since that moment, and I yours. I remember fussing at you for pulling on the leas to hard, and I'm so sorry I did that. You were just happy and raring to go. One day, shortly after I got you, you woke up from a nap, and stretched, and preceded to procure a milk-bone that you had saved from a previous time. You were so smart and cute, and that's when I knew what time you wanted your dinners. A few days before that, you found your own chair that was sort-of not set up for use, but you managed to get to it to sit in. So, we made that your chair. You were so smart and helped me out with initially taking care of you, as i was distraught from losing Roxanne. I can't tell you how proud I am of you sweetie. We went to the grocery store parking lot, and I let you off your leash for the first time. I was hoping you wouldn't just run-away.. I feel silly now, because you came right back to me, and got in the car. When we moved to boca, you were so scared, I know you were afraid your life was changing again, and that I was leaving you. It made me feel so bad.. but after a few days you realized I was going to stay with you. You really enjoyed that place after we got there. We went on walks there, and you would walk through the neighborhood yourself You made little pathways that only a dog could get through. I remember a couple of times when i got worried about you, but you always came home after a few minutes. Once I went through the neighborhood, I got so worried about you. Then I thought it was best for you not to wander off. We went to the grocery store together almost everyday.. You would stick your head out the window, and one day on the way to the store, i realized you were soOoO happy... I think you realized that I wasn't going to leave you no matter where we lived, and you were sticking your head out the window, and you were sooo happy! Watching all the houses and people and animals as we drove through the neighborhood. I felt like [I] or [we] had accomplished something so great at that instant ..and I saw you through a bigger view, and felt so good about you being happy.. I felt like justice could begin, for your previously hard upbringing you had endured. Your little arm, god bless you.. You had quite a handi-capp, but you never let it slow you down.. You would walk and run, and jump. You would 'juuuump- uuup' and twist and turn in the air! You did such awesome aerobatics ..Far better than most dogs with 4 good legs! And you would jump and throw toys and treats, you were so talented, happy and fun. We moved to Pompano, and you were much more at-ease about that move. That made me feel better, because i new you must feel more security, and not as scared as the last move. I was so proud of you for feeling trust. We moved right in, and from day one, that was your apartment, you guarded it so well. And from there we spent a lot of time together and did a lot of stuff in the neighborhood.. Remember we used to ride down to the university, and go all over the place.. You kept up with me on a 10-speed, you were so incredible.. We saw a lot of stuff on those wonderful adventures. I would stop occasionally to rub your front leg. I was so amazed at what you could do. You're the smartest, sweetest, most capable doggie / friend in the whole world. We would go to park to. I'm going to really miss you if I ever go to that park again, sweetie. We would go all around the lake. Sometimes we would just walk, and you walked all the way up the sidewalk to the park.. Past the wildflife areas.. You enjoyed so many things about it. the smells , the sounds.. the feeling of the nature you walked in.. And one day, you found a tennis ball in the park, and you carried it ALL the way home! You stopped a couple times, sat the ball down to rest, but you made sure you carried it all the way home. It was so adorable. I wondered why you wanted the tennis ball that bad! After you made it home with it, you basically ignored the ball after that, but you sure looked cute carrying it in your mouth for almost a mile! You went with me almost anyplace I went. We would go tot he grocery store together there a well.. Sometimes, we would walk in that little field beside the grocery store after we got out groceries. You were always so sweet, so well-behaved and so aware of being nice to me. God couldn't have given me a better friend, i feel so fortunate to have you then, now, and always. When we came to Missouri, i felt bad for you becasue there was no sidewalks, and no outside lights. But we acclimated fast. And you met your most-favorite person in the world, your grandma. Her and your grandpa love you so much. They think you are such a special and unique dog as well. Baby,i can feel you, and I know you will be with me forever, as I will be with you forever. Someday, we will be on the same time-line again, and be able to hold each other. In the meantime, I know you have so many things to do and so much love to share. I know you with your natural birth-mamma, and you brothers and your sisters. That's a good place to be, sweetie, and she's been waiting for you all this time.. I was just taking care of you for her. I know she loves you so much.. Finally she gets to have you again. I know you will watch over me in the way that you are now able.. I am happy to know this, as I know you are so strong and have such a prominent, sincere and kind spirit. We will never be apart, my angel.. i will see you again. And i will talk with you and share your love everyday for eternity. I'm severely sorry for any stupid things I did that made you suffer or sad. I love you forever with all my heart and soul, I am yours eternally. I wil never forget, and continue to sing your song. Only your song. I wrote for you, about you, inspired by you, and I be singing it for you forever; You're a bird-dog, hound-dog, beagle-dog, a smarty-pants doggie too. You're a bird-dog, hound-dog, beagle-dog, Katie dog, i love you. We all love you. God bless you my Katie-girl. Kathy, Kathrine, Katalina, Kate-meister, K-dog, kathy-lynn, Kathy-lee-crosby, butch-cassidy... All the names I loved for you, I will never forget. You're my baby. We will be together always. -Dad Leave Katie A Message: |
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